Monday, 15 November 2010

So this week...

I actually did something productive. Not exactly what I was planning to do, but related to it. I was going to go on a modelling binge, but instead I started getting in to texturing the Blacksmith and ended up going on a texturing binge instead.

First off, I've got the blacksmith. His texture was more or less finished, but I spent a while adding a bit more detail.

His scar's looking a bit more horrible, now, and he's also got some stubble action going on. I also added a burn on one of his arms, messed up his gloves a bit and made the leather trousers a bit nicer.

The stuff for the puzzle game is looking a lot better than it did last post. You can actually tell things apart, now.

I've been avoiding doing the textures for ages, but I'm pleased with how they're turning out so far. I'll put up better screenshots when I've started importing it into UDK and have lit it properly. These are just some random shots of how it's looking in maya at the moment.

And next week I'm going to go back on track and do the work I'm actually planning on doing.

1 comment:

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

These are terrific - the blacksmith, in particular, is just great.