Saturday, 8 January 2011


Alright, so I finished the Advanced Interaction game ages ago, but I couldn't publish it. Finally managed. Don't know what the problem was or why it randomly started publishing just fine,  I'm just glad it works, now, so I don't have to look at UDK any more. Later I'll upload some pictures of my Kismet for anybody who's interested.

Here it is;

Download the installer, install it. You'll need to turn off bots and the time-limit in the settings before you play, and pick the map called '0901906_FinalGame' or whatever it's called. You press the enter key to use stuff and the escape key to get out of message boxes. And seriously, click everything. Use the walls to move between levels.

1 comment:

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

I'm afraid you lost me at 'download the installer'... I really can't believe how daft I am when it comes to these things. I've spent the whole evening trying to download a pdf of a book - and I've no idea why it's not working. I thought those things were supposed to be foolproof. Obvioulsy not.