And finally, some stuff I did last night.
These are Sqayaqe, little magical rodent-like creatures from a game I designed back in college but never got round to actually drawing before now.
They feed off and reflect emotions, so a squayaqe that's been spending a lot of time around people who are grumpy or downtrodden, for example in the warehouse of a large supermarket or in the basement of an old-folks home, will be affected by those emotions and start to radiate those feelings, making the people who were initially grumpy and mopey will become irritable on an almost psychotic scale, get tearful and run a high risk of eventually comitting suicide.
On the flipside, a sqayaqe that spends a lot of time around people who are exciteable would make everybody happy to the point of delerium, and eventually turn them into giggling cretins.
And these are some random sketches. Barbar doing a grampa-dance, only with slightly more adventurous hip-swinging action, a little mouse, the Polar Bear king and the Gobbo king, chillin'.
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