I'm gonna do the new stuff, first.
I've never really tried pixel-art before, so I decided to have a go to pass some time. It's Baby Barbar. The other half was itching to program a virtual pet, and this is one of the sprites for his idle animation. It took ages and I really put more detail into it than was likely neccessary, given its eventual size, but I'm just playing about at the moment.
Next we have a weird creature face. I was playing around with the smudge tool in photoshop and ended up wasting forty minutes or so on it.
Working on a game with a couple of friends, and this is me figuring out the pose the Lion Tamer should take. He's a bit squint, and I'm not overly excited about that arm, but the kilt is so staying, no matter what.
And some weird eel things, and a little cartoon bird.
Finally, the old. A couple of paintings I did for Uni last year. They were originally intended for the intro to Ted's Fantastic Adventure to the Village of Halflingtown, but I didn't get around to putting it together. I keep meaning to.
Sleeping walruses. Poor Ted is excluded from the group. It's probably a good thing he's so fat from eating all those cabbages and never being allowed to play with the other walruses, otherwise he'd have frozen to death. I don't think Ted is in any position to see the silver lining, though.
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